"Fashions fade, but style is eternal." - Yves Saint Laurent

You know what else is eternal? Tile. So let's make it "stylish", why don't we?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

THE Color for 2012 is...drumroll please...


Pantone has released the news that color 17-1463 Tango Tangerine will be the color for 2012!  (http://www.pantone.com/pages/pantone/category.aspx?ca=88)

And I am so glad that they did!  I don't know about anyone else out there, but as soon as December 26th rolls around every year, I am done with winter & ready for spring!  Tangerine Tango, the gorgeously optimistic red-orange hue, is so warmly vibrant & energetic you can't help but think of warm summer sunsets & carefree days enjoying the sunshine.  Not to mention, (dare I bring this up???), but considering that we are in year four of a recession that was suppose to only last for 18 months, it's nice to see a fierce color take the spotlight!

Last year's color, Honeysuckle, a boldly bright pink, conjured up feelings of vitality & health, and the idea of being to tackle everyday struggles with vigor.  It was a nice big warm & fuzzy for a world still reeling from the change in our economy, but finding a way to adapt to the changes.

Pantone Color of the Year 2011: Honeysuckle


But this year's color, Tangering Tango, not only makes us feel the confidence to take on the day's challenges, but the ferociousness to attack them with the energy boost we've been missing.  For instance, imagine the confidence you would feel walking down the street wearing these pumps from Steve Madden below!

Or this KILLER dress from Diane Von Furstenberg!

So what does this mean for interior design?  Just like fashion, it can be an entire statement, or just the accessories!  And who doesn't just LOVE to accessorize!?

But stay tuned for the next post, because per usual, it's all in the color pairings! And the TILE choices of course! :-)

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